Carolina Escobar

Phoenix, AZ

July – August 2018

Carolina Escobar is an artist who is currently based in Phoenix Arizona who has her MA in Architecture from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, MFA in Sculpture from Yale University, New Haven and BFA in Sculpture (magna cum laude) from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.


Carolina has been given plethora of grants from Yaddo Artist Colony, Saratoga Springs, NY and many other organizations. Carolina has also held many exhibitions all across the United States and even one in Bangkok, Thailand.


Carolina works with steel framing to create shapes that play off of the plant life in the garden. With the color, pattern, and texture of the resined cloth overlay, the pieces are whimsical and playful, which contrasts with elements of our world.

To keep up with Carolina and the work she has done here at the studio check out her website: